Courses and private classes


Would you like to learn more about Clickertraining or DogDancing? Perhaps your dog has already learned some moves, but now you don't know exactly how to go on and create a beautiful routine? Then please ask in your dog club, dog school or your friends, if they would also be interested in a DogDancing or Clickertraining course. If you find at least 8 people willing to attend a course, Paco and I will come to wherever you live and teach you everything you have always wanted to know :-))). We will film some parts of the course as well, and each participant will receive a CD with short videos afterwards.

Some possible course subjects are:

- Clickertraining for beginners

- Clickertraining: advanced course

- DogDancing for beginners

- DogDancing: advanced course


- DogDancing moves

- DogDancing: distance work

- How to create a routine

- and everything else you would like to learn...

Photos of our Routine and Tricks Seminar in Stuttgart-Waltershofen in June 2007 (11 participants)

Photos of our Choreographie course at the dog school McWolfi in Zusmarshausen (Germany) in January, 2007 (14 participants)

Photos of our DogDancing Basic Course in January 2007 at the "Ganzheitlichen Hundehof" in Lohfelden (Germany) (12 participants)

Photos of our DogDancing course for beginners at the VDH-Ludwigsburg ( Ludwigsburg, Germany ) in August 2006 (12 participants)

Private classes:

If you prefer to have a more intensive training session, in which you don't have to wait for your turn until all others are finished, or, if you would like to learn a very specific aspect of DogDancing or Clickertraining, you can also book us for private classes.

For dates and prices for courses, performances and private classes, please get in contact with us either by e-mail ( ) or by Telephone ( +49 170 78 26436 ). We are looking forward to hearing from you all!